Tenacity to Triumph: The Bad Ass Code features true accounts of those who have powered through difficult life-circumstances to become successful—whatever “success” means to the featured individual. 

To submit a story for possible publication:

  1. Please read past Tenacity to Triumph stories to see if your piece is a good fit.
  2. Narratives may be written in first or third person.
  3. Stories must be 2000 words or less.
  4. Include at least two photos to be published with your story.
  5. Submissions must be in 12-point font, double-spaced.
  6. Up to three stories may be submitted at one time.
  7. Stories may have been published elsewhere; date and periodical or website must be specified upon submission.
  8. Send an email to writetowinwithtrish@gmail.com and include: your first and last name, website url (if applicable), and a brief summary of your writing experience.
  9. Attach separate electronic files (preferably Word files) for each story submitted for possible publication.

Writers receive $20 for each published piece.

NOTE: Consider whether you would allow your work to be included in an anthology as Sandra Jonas Publishing has been discussing the possibility of assembling Tenacity to Triumph: The Bad Ass Code stories into a book. Let the editor know whether to consider your work in this project at the time of submission.

Thank you for your interest in Tenacity to Triumph: The Bad Ass Code.


Trish Wilkinson, editor