Tenacity to Triumph: The Bad Ass Code features true accounts of those who have powered through difficult life-circumstances to become successful—whatever “success” means to the featured individual.
To submit a story for possible publication:
- Please read past Tenacity to Triumph stories to see if your piece is a good fit.
- Narratives may be written in first or third person.
- Stories must be 2000 words or less.
- Include at least two photos to be published with your story.
- Submissions must be in 12-point font, double-spaced.
- Up to three stories may be submitted at one time.
- Stories may have been published elsewhere; date and periodical or website must be specified upon submission.
- Send an email to writetowinwithtrish@gmail.com and include: your first and last name, website url (if applicable), and a brief summary of your writing experience.
- Attach separate electronic files (preferably Word files) for each story submitted for possible publication.
Writers receive $20 for each published piece.
NOTE: Consider whether you would allow your work to be included in an anthology as Sandra Jonas Publishing has been discussing the possibility of assembling Tenacity to Triumph: The Bad Ass Code stories into a book. Let the editor know whether to consider your work in this project at the time of submission.
Thank you for your interest in Tenacity to Triumph: The Bad Ass Code.
Trish Wilkinson, editor