Write-to-Win! Workshops

  • How to Write an Engaging Memoir that People Will Want to Read
  • The Magic of Setting: How to invest your reader in another place and time
  • “Show Don’t Tell”: The how-to for creating mental “movies” that will engage your readers
  • Pulling Readers’ Heart Strings: How to spark emotion in your readers to keep them invested in your story
  • The Balancing Act of Writing: How to include description, movement, dialogue, and action tags to create an irresistible story readers won’t want to put down
  • How to Write a Compelling Short Story or Essay and Get It Published

Workshops start at $300, depending on workshop length, number of sessions, materials, and distance from Deschutes County in Central Oregon.

Note: I love to travel! 🙂

If you have an idea for another subject area, let’s talk.


  • Novelists and Narrative Nonfiction Authors

    Get empowering feedback to take your writing to the next level including: story structure, character development, dialogue, foreshadowing, subtext, voice, and more to write the most compelling story possible. (hourly or per-page rate to be negotiated after preview of the first ten pages).

  • Prospective College Students: Write an irresistible personal statement in three sessions:

    1) brainstorm and outline, 2) one-on-one coaching to improve your rough draft and help you sell yourself to your top-choice schools, and 3) professional editing of your final draft  

  • Workplace Writing for Success

    Let Trish coach you on how to write effective emails, memos, and reports to help you motivate colleagues and earn the respect you deserve on the job.

  • Journalists and Storytellers

    Whether you’re a young budding writer or a seasoned adult who wants to improve your skills, Trish coaches students ages five to adult in sharpening mechanics and organization, research skills, creating visual scenes, and writing articles worthy of publication. 

  • “Tool Box” for Reluctant or Nervous Writers

    Trish provides writing “tools” according to individual needs for middle, high school and college students to take the anxiety out of in-class essays. This process usually requires four sessions and is for people who may not be crazy about writing, but they want to perform better in school. Beware: you may end up learning to love to write! 

Leave a message below, send an email to writetowinwithtrish@gmail.com, or call (619) 647-5559, and Trish will tailor the perfect writing program to fit your personal needs!

2 thoughts on “Workshops and Coaching

  1. Hello. I am wanting to join a beginners writing group for some honest critique and feedback
    Is anyone available to call me @ 619-306-3148 to let me know if something is available please.
    I would really appreciate a call back ASAP thanks so much. Hayley

  2. Hi Hayley. Since you appear to be in the San Diego area, check out San Diego Writers Ink (www.sandiegowriters.org). It’s a wonderful organization that provides classes, arranges writers’ groups, and is a network of lovely writers. Tuesday, February 9, I’ll be teaching a class for them on how to write a memoir. The following weekend, February12-14, is the Southern California Writers’ Conference in Mission Valley (http://writersconference.com/sd/) where I’ll also be giving a workshop. If you’ve never been to a conference, do yourself a favor and join us. Really. This conference is much smaller than the SDSU conference, sort of the difference between your neighborhood and NYC. You can talk with the instructors, possibly have lunch with them. People are friendlier in a smaller venue, so it’s much less overwhelming. You may even find other writers in the SD area to form a writers’ group. I hope to see you in February!

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